love notes from keesh
A safe space for reconnecting with the authentic self through full body, mind, and soul integration healing; a place to do nothing and absolutely everything.
24 episodes
Healing Episcleritis with Traditional Chinese Medicine Practices
HEALING EPISCLERITIS WITH HOLISTIC/EASTERN MEDICINE PRACTICESChapters:00:00 Introduction 01:37 My Backstory06.42 What is Episcleritis?14:30 Western vs Eastern Medicine 19:00 Lifestyle changes22:23 Easte...

EAT PRAY BE ANGRY: Why it's okay to be angry + 5 ways to soothe your inner teen and express anger in a healthy way
Hey y'all!Welcome to Season 2, Episode 1 of the love notes from keesh: a Divine Feminine Energy Healing podcast! Now while we host both masculine and feminine energy as I previously discussed in last week's blog,
Season 2
Episode 1

Raise the Frequency: Internally & Externally
Hey y’all,I hope this message finds you well.This week I want to discuss intentionally raising your frequency both internally and externally. One of the best lessons I’ve learned and continue to explore is the kno...

What that Throat Chakra Due?
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Mommy Dearest
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An Invitation to Tea: Lavender Heart Tea
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Reclaiming Your Time
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This is why feeling butterflies isn't a good sign
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Dear Past Self
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Community: let's connect and hold space for one another as we grow and evolve
Hey y’all!I hope this message finds you well.For this love note I want to chat with you about community and the importance of it, especially while on your self healing journey.My goal for this space is to create...

"Balance" Doing the work in the seen and having faith in the unseen
“Balance” LaKeshia T. WilliamsWhen I first began my healing journey, the thought of surrendering my life to the unknown was laughable to me… I lived my life in a way that I felt I had complete control over everythin...

"Baby Steps" Take your time when healing inner child abandonment wounds
“Baby Steps” LaKeshia T. Williams I hope this poem encourages you to allow yourself to be seen, fully.Be gentle and kind with yourself as you heal your abandonment wounds. Take it one day at a time and have confidence knowing yo...

"Concealed Carry" There is power in the tongue; speak with intention daily
“Concealed Carry” LaKeshia T. WilliamsAffirmations have been one of my favorite forms of meditation to use on my healing journey. Many of us grew up hearing, There is power of life and death in the tongue (Proverbs 18:21...

"Mic Check" Don't be afraid to follow your heart, even when it feels really, really scary
“Mic Check” LaKeshia T. Williams A boss is at first a beginnerA boss is at first a beginner is a phrase I said one evening to a friend as we discussed how they were apprehensive and afraid to try thing...

"Seasons" It is okay to change your mind about things as you grow and acquire more knowledge
“Seasons” LaKeshia T. Williams We are just as the Earth, shifting gradually between seasonsWhen we are open to receive, we are ever evolving beings who will consistently change and grow until our time on this rea...

"Miss Aligned" A love letter to Black women
“Miss Aligned” LaKeshia T. Williams (reading)Dear Black woman,I love you.I love you because you simply are. Please normalize acknowledging, honoring, and cherishing your worth for simply be...

"Eternal Sunshine" The importance of acknowledging our emotions
Hey y’all!I hope this message finds you well.For this love note I want to chat with you about our emotions.It is a “normal” human experience to desire to cling to our happy times and moments, to feel ashamed and guilty f...

"The Company You Keep" Choosing the known patterns or the unknown possibilities
Hey y’all!I hope this message finds you well.For this love note I want to chat with you about choices.During our healing journey, it is important that we cultivate practices and routines that help us further reconnect wi...

"Hues" Reconnecting with the Authentic Self Poetry
Hey y’all!I hope this message finds you well.For this love note I want to chat with you about the spectrums of thinking. Black and White ThinkingWhen we are disconnected from our true being, black and white think...

"Once in a Blue Moon" Acknowledging the pain and magic of the self healing journey
Hey y’all!I hope this message finds you well.For this love note I want to chat with you about the upcoming full moon (Blue moon in Aquarius) and the power of acknowledging and releasing.Today’s full moon is particularly ...

"As is" Don't shrink yourself to fit in; expand and stand out
“As is” LaKeshia T. Williams Love yourself and all your quirks A common path we have all been conditioned to follow is shrinking ourselves into a box that is better digestible to the world and we do ourselves a huge injustice in...

"Seeds" Honor the balance between intentional rest and intentional action
“Seeds” LaKeshia T. Williams Seeds (actions) + Meditation (rest) = ABUNDANCEIn a previous love note, “Perspective,” I mentioned intentional ...

"Perspective" Honor the necessary spaces of rest and recover to connect to the Divine
“Perspective” LaKeshia T. Williams We have been conditioned to guilt, shame, and reject the notion of rest and recovery. To no fault of our own, we consistently push ourselves to cross the world’s forever moving finish line;...