love notes from keesh
A safe space for reconnecting with the authentic self through full body, mind, and soul integration healing; a place to do nothing and absolutely everything.
Podcasting since 2021 • 24 episodes
love notes from keesh
Latest Episodes
Healing Episcleritis with Traditional Chinese Medicine Practices
HEALING EPISCLERITIS WITH HOLISTIC/EASTERN MEDICINE PRACTICESChapters:00:00 Introduction 01:37 My Backstory06.42 What is Episcleritis?14:30 Western vs Eastern Medicine 19:00 Lifestyle changes22:23 Easte...

EAT PRAY BE ANGRY: Why it's okay to be angry + 5 ways to soothe your inner teen and express anger in a healthy way
Hey y'all!Welcome to Season 2, Episode 1 of the love notes from keesh: a Divine Feminine Energy Healing podcast! Now while we host both masculine and feminine energy as I previously discussed in last week's blog,
Season 2
Episode 1

Raise the Frequency: Internally & Externally
Hey y’all,I hope this message finds you well.This week I want to discuss intentionally raising your frequency both internally and externally. One of the best lessons I’ve learned and continue to explore is the kno...